Janoschka Pattern Generator
We developed a program for the generative generation of patterns for Janoschka, the worldwide-operating print template manufacturer.

Modern printing processes make it possible to print each copy individually and yet inexpensively, even in large quantities. With generative design, the print templates required for this can be created quickly and efficiently in infinite variations.
By adjusting parameters such as size distribution, number, color, or rotation, the user is able to influence the interplay between random and intentional design.
The results of the modifications are calculated and displayed in real-time. Created patterns can be exported as vector graphics and further processed in other programs. This allows Janoschka to generate an infinite number of patterns and variations quickly and easily with a single click.
A clearly structured interface allows to create own patterns using freely movable palettes.
Patterns can be exported as vector graphics and can be modified in other applications.